Steel (old decal)
Today, you can buy any bikes with any material, which are carbon, titanium, steel, aluminum, magnesium, and wood. Carbon bikes are active in the front lines, especially in professional races. More and more, the bikes become high stiffness, and the weight is getting lighter and lighter. It seems that no one needs any heavier and flexible bike.
It might be particularly correct about carbon road bikes in present circumstances. You would get on a Ti or steel road if you would like flexibility and comfort even a little and if you think about the life-span of your bike. The main common advantage for carbon road bikes will be the high stiffness and lightness. (And design? It was more decorative about five years ago, but for the last year or two, it’s been getting more simple.)
However, cross bikes need strength and toughness. So then, carbon cross bikes must be tougher (not only stiffness) and heavier than carbon road as a result. But a Ti or steel cross bike is already strong enough and could be made with light weight. So if you think about the total balance, which is about weight, toughness, lifetime, and so on, Ti or steel cross should be a great choice.
しかしながら、シクロクロスバイクにはそれなりのタフさが必要とされる。そのため、カーボンクロスバイクはよりタフなつくりにならなければならず結果的にカーボンロードより当然重くなる。しかし、チタンやスティールのフレームはもともと強度が高く、そこそこ軽量につくれるのと、トータルバランス(重量、タフさ、ライフタイムなどなど)考えると、、チタンやスティールのクロスバイクという選択はGood であると思う。