February 28, 2011

Welding coupling tubes - カップリングチューブの溶接

Sometimes I weld coupling tubes for touring bikes. Coupling system is convenient to carry a bike because it can be separate in the middle of the tube. But, welding this coupling parts is more difficult than welding frames in a way. There is a reason. The welding bead must be straight (round). It means I have to weld perfectly straight. It is more difficult than you think. Obviously, it shows the welder's skill. You cannot make it clean unless you have had enough "basic practice". Welding coupling tubes requires the welder's skill because of its simpleness.


February 27, 2011

Natural clean finishing - ナチュラルクリーン仕上げ

Before finishing

After finishing (Clean!!)

Before finishing

After finishing (Clean!!)

The last stage, Finishing is one of the important work in frame making process. After finishing and through inspection by each finisher, the frames are shipped to the retailers. The frames are checked through every spot. It could say that final quality control depends on this finishing work. Quality frames are created by each worker's skill and mind.


February 25, 2011

Cool Ti handle bar - クールなチタンハンドルバー

Looks like a swallow (bird)!

This is a new type Ti bar for a bike event in Berlin. Cool!!! Personally, I like it very much. (Maybe some people don't like it.) I even think I want to try it on my bike after modifying a little. A head light is set in the center hole.
Actually, it is hard to make up a good new design handle bar. The best one is the road drop bar, I think. Its design has basically not changed since it was created. It is almost perfect design, which is fanctional and a beautiful form.


February 24, 2011

Another great welder - もう一人の素晴らしいウェルダー

I have a great foreman in welding department as I told before and I will post the details more about him later. And there is another great welder who is a lady and a mother with a baby. She has welded more than 10 years and she welds as if the frames were welded by an automatic welding machine. I wanted to take the pictures and post them, but I could not do it today. Anyway, the bead appearance is great! I will post it later. In the meantime, I post MY welding today. Sorry!

すばらしい親方ウェルダーがいることは以前話しましたが、彼についてはまた後ほど詳しくポストします。で、もう一人、素晴らしいウェルダーがいるのです。彼女は、10年以上の経験を持ち、一児の母でもあります。彼女の溶接はまるで自動溶接機で溶接したかのような正確さであります。全くすばらしい!!その写真を撮って載せたかったのですが、今日は出来ませんでした。とにかく、その溶接外観はすばらしい!また別の日にポストします、必ず。 というわけで、とりあえず自分のを載せておきます今日は。すみません。

February 23, 2011

Hard to mask for paint! - ペイントのマスキングは大変だ!

It is hard to mask this kind of bike for paint. It is complicated, takes time... I honestly do not like it so much. In some cases, I have to mask several times between the coloring. If there is something wrong in paint, I have to go back to the precedent process and do the same thing again. It mostly depends on the masking condition. In a meaning, I would say masking is the most important part in paint process.


It is pretty cool!! It is in a simple black color and bare carbon decals. I like this paint pattern. This cool guy did it. He is the master in paint department. In these days, he seems to be stately!?


February 22, 2011

What should I do? – 何をすべきなのか?

I have a favorite person who is a Japanese brain scientist, Kenichiro Mogi. I always check his blog in English “The qualia journal (http://qualiajournal.blogspot.com/)”. He not only studies about brain, but also has written many books like” How we should use our brains” and so on.
He says that you should do what only you can do. It is anything ok. Or you should do something up brown until the other people cannot do like you.
When I was on the plane on the way to US from Japan (three years and nine months ago), I made a decision that I would build the skill and knowledge about frame manufacturing and the materials as much as possible more than anyone else. I still have the thought. By doing so, I think I may be able to say I have my suitable work. In other words, it means that it is to create the value of what I am doing by myself.
However, it takes time to become an accomplished person in any field. I must make my will strong and at the same time, be flexible outside the center of mind. Working with something like a certain will or preparation might be important to achieve something goal. I sometimes think such a thing in these days.


February 21, 2011

Ti and steel cyclocross bike – シクロクロスバイク チタンとスティール


Steel (old decal)

Today, you can buy any bikes with any material, which are carbon, titanium, steel, aluminum, magnesium, and wood. Carbon bikes are active in the front lines, especially in professional races. More and more, the bikes become high stiffness, and the weight is getting lighter and lighter. It seems that no one needs any heavier and flexible bike.
It might be particularly correct about carbon road bikes in present circumstances. You would get on a Ti or steel road if you would like flexibility and comfort even a little and if you think about the life-span of your bike. The main common advantage for carbon road bikes will be the high stiffness and lightness. (And design? It was more decorative about five years ago, but for the last year or two, it’s been getting more simple.)
However, cross bikes need strength and toughness. So then, carbon cross bikes must be tougher (not only stiffness) and heavier than carbon road as a result. But a Ti or steel cross bike is already strong enough and could be made with light weight. So if you think about the total balance, which is about weight, toughness, lifetime, and so on, Ti or steel cross should be a great choice.

しかしながら、シクロクロスバイクにはそれなりのタフさが必要とされる。そのため、カーボンクロスバイクはよりタフなつくりにならなければならず結果的にカーボンロードより当然重くなる。しかし、チタンやスティールのフレームはもともと強度が高く、そこそこ軽量につくれるのと、トータルバランス(重量、タフさ、ライフタイムなどなど)考えると、、チタンやスティールのクロスバイクという選択はGood であると思う。

February 18, 2011

Welding steel - スティールフレームの溶接

The top of wire must be always kept clean!

Left one is for Ti. Right one is for steel.

Welding steel frames is a little different than welding Ti frames. First, the nozzle and collet size is smaller (see the picture) and the amount of the gas is also less. Weld bead is smaller than Ti. There are some careful points to weld steel. One of them is you have to clean the surface of the welding spot by a wire brush each time you stop. This is quite important not to have crack of the weld bead and to keep welding clean. Also, you must always keep clean the top of the wire. Quality depends on keeping these things.

スティールの溶接は少しチタンとは異なる。まず、溶接トーチのノズルとコレット(写真参考)のサイズがチタン用より小さいことと、シールドガスの量も少ないことである。溶接ビードもチタンより小さい。溶接時の幾つかの注意点がある。その中の一つに、溶接を止める度にワイヤーブラシで表面をきれいにすること。これは溶接ビードの割れを防ぐためでかなり重要である。 また、溶接自体をクリーンに保つことができる。溶棒の先端も常にきれいな状態を保つ事。こういったことをきちっと守ることが高品質を保つ事につながるのである。

February 17, 2011

Titanium - straight gauge - チタン ストレートゲージ(チューブ)

If you want to have a strong, high stiffness, and very long life frame, titanium straight gauge could be one of your choices as the front main tubes. For example, there are two tubes which are D/35mm, t/0.78mm (butted) and D/35mm, t/0.96mm (straight gauge). Straight gauge has more 21% stiff than butted tube. ( It is also 22% heavier, though, but strong!)
Straight gauge could be one of your choices if you want to have a lifetime and high rigidityframe.

もしあなたが、強く、高剛性でものすごくロングライフなフレームが欲しい場合、チタンのストレートゲージ(チューブ)という選択もありうる。例えば、径が35mmで厚さが0.78mm(バテッド管)と厚さが0.96mm(ストレート管)があるとすると、ストレート管のほうが21%剛性が高まる。(22%重くもなるが。) もしあなたが、一生もので高剛性のフレームが欲しいというならば、チタンのストレートゲージという選択もありである。

February 16, 2011

Commuter bike - 通勤バイク

Commuter bikes


N! Normal.


Heavy duty...

Watching commuter bikes is fun because each one is different and has individuality. Someone's is not out of the way, but someone's has a strong personality.The one's character comes through the bikes.
