February 28, 2013

T's Disk CX 4

- 0.006 (-0.152mm)

T's Disk CX 4. Frame was welded. It keeps a good alignment.

T さんのDisk Steel CX 4。44mmHT. フレーム本体の本溶接終了。フレームアライメント良好維持。

February 27, 2013

T's Disk CX 3


T's Disk CX 3. Tacking. Tomorrow it will be welded. The alignment is good.
After all, accuracy, accurate work is the most important part for industrial products and we can make it in repeat. Then we can build our own standard about it. It is invisible, but it is severe and important.

T さんのDisk CX 3。仮付け終了。明日フレームの本溶接。アライメント良好。。。

February 26, 2013

Anodizing experiment 5

On brushed Ti
On blasted Ti

Anodizing experiment 5. There are some ways to anodize on Ti tubes.
1. Brused finish on tube and masking logo and then anodizing.
2. Blast on tube and masking logo and then anodizing.
3. Anodizing on blashed finish and masking logo and then blast around the logo.
Firefly(http://fireflybicycles.com/) already tried these ways, I think. We can learn many things from thier artistic great work. They will be one of the shops at the forefront of our jobs.


February 25, 2013

Anodizing experiment 4


Anodizing experiment 4. The process of anodizing interests me a lot. After this, I will mask for logos and sandblast it.


February 24, 2013

Keep going

Prepared for anodizing.

Keep going.

February 22, 2013

Welding class?


Welding class? Oh~, you are so cute!!


February 20, 2013

Logo/ 1st and latest

1st logo

Latest logo

KUALIS logo has been improved. It (the 1st one) looks ugly... I have modified KUALIS logo several times so far. Sometimes I still think about logs.

KUALIS のロゴはこれまでに何回か修正をかさねてきたが、一番最初のロゴを今見るとダサく、しまりもキレも無い。。。 今でも時々ロゴデザインについて考えている。

February 19, 2013

Anodizing experiment 3


Anodizing experiment 3. Anodized logo, decal, and anything are available from next Ti frame order.
The colors are Bronze, Purple, Blue (dark and light) for now. Green, Yellow, Pink, and more will be available soon. 1 color- no upcharge. 2 color~ - upcharge. I will keep the experiment...

1カラー/ No Upcharge、2カラー~/ Upcharge となります。

February 18, 2013

O's steel CX


O's steel CX, finally painted. Vanilla white and Olive green are a beautiful color combination.

O さんのスティールCX。やっとペイント終了。バニラシェイクにオリーブグリーンの美しいカラーコンビネーションである。

February 17, 2013

S's Ti TT 2


S's Ti TT 2. Front end is done with clean cut. "Snow" again in Boston...

S さんのチタンTT ロード2。フロントエンドのザグリ終了。またボストンエリアで大雪。。。