June 30, 2011

Great mam - 素晴らしいお母さん

This is her new steel bike.
Her welding, today. Neat!

She has a project to make a tricycle for her little baby as a birthday present. ( I posted about her before as another great welder.)
She already has a wheel, fork, head parts (Chris king!)... and some scraps to make some parts of the tricycle. She is cool and a great mother for her baby!!

もう既に、車輪、フォーク、ヘッドパーツ(クリスキング!)、そして幾らかのTi チューブ(スクラップから集めてきた)を準備している。それにしても彼女は、なんてクールでグレイトなママだろう。

June 29, 2011

Swarf, chips, scraps - 削りくず、切りくず、スクラップ

We have lots of chips and swarf from Ti tubes everyday. That's very good because we have many orders from customers. We also have a lot of scraps of tubes. When I started to practice welding, I used to use these scraps...
These chips, scraps, and swarf are recycled. There is no waste. Making Ti, or steel bikes is in a good recycle system and the bikes contribute to our environment. It's great!!


June 28, 2011

EBB - エキセントリックBB

EBB (eccentric BB) is popular in US. It is for single speed bikes, basically. If you use a bike only for your commute as daily ride, a single speed bike might be good. You can change the ring size in some different situations and enjoy it. EBB is pretty useful.

EBB (エキセントリックボトムブラケット)はアメリカで人気がある。それは基本的にはシングルスピード(フィクスドギアではなく)のためのパーツである。もし普段の通勤用として、デイリーバイクとして乗るなら、シングルスピードは中々良いと思う。使用目的や状況に応じてギア歯のサイズを変更するなどして結構楽しめる。EBB は使えるパーツであると思う。

June 27, 2011

Purpose of order frame - フレームをオーダーすることの意味

Today's welding - Axiom SL

I have described about the good points to have an order frame several times. First, you can have a fitter frame for your size. Second (This is more important.), you can have a frame with special tubing which is designed (tubing design), or chosen for you. *Tubing design is to design the relation about diameter, wall thickness, and stiffnes.
The frames which are made by large manufacturers are designed for professional racers, basically. And they provide them for you, too. The frame character is all the same, there are just some different sizes... They should not always fit you.
So, a frame character is adjusted by the tubing design and it can be done only for Ti, or steel frames. (It is too hard to adjust the tubing design of carbon for each rider. It is distant.)
There should be some certain good points to have an order frame if you consider about the reliability of the material, tubing design, and detailed geometry.

フレームをオーダーすることの利点についてはこれまで何度かポストしてきた。まず、より細かいジオメトリーでよりあなたにフィットしたフレームが得られる事。そして次に(これはもっと重要なことであるが)チュービングデザインされた、あるいは選択された(あなたのために)チューブによって作られたフレームが得られる事である。 *チュービングデザインとは、径、厚さ、剛性の関係をデザインすること。

June 24, 2011

Susi's bike3 - スージーさんのバイク3

Susi's bike project is going well. Now rear rack is being built. It's pretty good design. Next step is painting!

スージーさんのバイクプロジェクトが着々と進んでいるようである。今ちょうどリアキャリアラックを製作中。なかなかのグッドデザインである。次は当然ペイントだね! (ISOが高すぎて写真が明るくなりすぎてしまった)

June 23, 2011

Paint system - ペイントシステム

Any color (except pure white and black) is made by mixing several differnt single color. Gross color, metallic, pearl... Any color has each recipe and we can paint any color you want.. It is a great paint system.


June 22, 2011

Target schedule - ターゲット表

We have a target schedule. In each department, we have a target and try to get the goal every day. Sometimes we can achieve it, sometimes not. It depends on the bikes of the day and the flow. In this season, we have lots of orders, so we are busy. It is sure that in the US, custom order bikes are more popular than Japan.
