April 29, 2011

New Down tube? - New ダウンチューブ?

Ti, D1.7/ t 0.037 (D43mm/t 0.94mm) curve down tube! It's new. The stiffness is more 19% stiff than Ti, D1.5/t 0.039 (D38mm/t 0.99mm) and the same as a steel tube (D41mm/t 0.54mm)! It's too stiff to me. But this will be next new standard?

チタン、径43mm/厚0.94mm、カーブダウンチューブである。New! 剛性に関しては、今のスタンダード(径38mm/厚0.99mm)より19%高い、スティールでいえば、径41mm/厚0.54mmに相当する。自分には硬すぎる。これ、次のNew スタンダードになるのか?

April 28, 2011

Study, study, study...? - 勉強、勉強、勉強。。?

A little about my wife. She goes to a graduate school, master's degree in accounting in Bentley University. She spends most of her time studying. She is not good at mathematics so much, but she is challenging accounting. Especially, when she was in the first semester of the school, She was studying like anything. Sometimes she was edgy and taking it out on me... However, I am proud of her. She has worked hard overcoming linguistic barriers and kept having some great scores. She is great!

妻のことについて少し。彼女はいまBentley University の大学院で会計の勉強をしている。彼女は勉強にあけくれている。元々数学がそんなに得意ではないのだが、会計というものにチャレンジしているのである。特に、最初のセミスターの時は、猛烈に勉強していた。たまにイライラして、自分に八つ当たりをしていたこともあった。

April 27, 2011

So big size! – 超でかいフレーム

It is a 64cm (c-c) cross/touring frame. So big! (to me, maybe, to Japanese) Sometimes we have so big size frames like this (I have welded a 68cm size road frame before. I was inside the frame and welded it.). I can get in the front triangle of the bike and pedal. Sometimes so small, and sometimes so big!! It’s very interesting!!

64cm(C –C)クロス/ ツーリング フレームである。実にでかい!たまにこの辺りのビッグサイズフレームを扱う(以前68cm のロードを溶接したことがあるが、フレームの中に自分がすっぽり入った状態で溶接ができた。)自分の体型だと、前三角の中に入ってペダリングできるだろう。たまにものすごくスモールサイズ、そしてたまに、超でかいサイズと、とても面白い。

April 26, 2011


ESK is a distributor from Korea. Seven has many orders (Ti frames) from Korea every year. Most of them are Mtn. frames. I wonder why so many Seven in Korea all the time? Maybe, the distributor is doing a great job, otherwise Mtn. is so popular in Korea? Anyway, I hope the same thing will happen in Japan, too!!

ESK は韓国の代理店である。Seven では毎年韓国からたくさんのチタンフレームのオーダーが入る。そのほとんどはマウンテンバイクのフレームである。なぜ、そんなに大量のSeven が韓国に?といつも思うのだが。代理店が良い仕事をしているのか、それとも単にMtn. が韓国でポピュラーなのか? 日本でもブレイクしてくれると嬉しいのだけれど。。。

April 25, 2011

Huge space – ヒュージスペース

When I first came to Seven, I first, was surprised with the huge shop space (percentage of the numbers of workers and space). I thought “That’s America”. In Japan, we cannot see such a huge space so often unless the manufacturer is a big company. There will be differences in ways of thinking and sense about a space between Japan and US. I already got used to being in the space, though.
So I tried to think why there are so differences between Japan and US. First, US is a big country which has huge spaces anywhere. Probably, that will be a main reason. And second, it is the difference of working style. In Japan, we usually have to try to collectively use a space effectively (Because the space is not so huge? We cannot stay in a space because anyone uses the space. But this idea generates another idea of “clean and organize” for other workers.). But in US, Basically, we are given each space for each worker, so we can use our spaces as we like (sounds great!).
 As a space we use, I like American’s style, but at the same time, there are some wastes. If we can have both good points, we may be able to have the best way of using our space and working style.

Seven に初めて来た時、まずショップの広さに驚いた。(ワーカーの数に対するスペースの割合)これがアメリカだ!と思った。日本では、ある程度大きな会社で無い限りそんなに広いスペースは使えない。多分スペースに対する考え方が色々と異なるのだろう。既にもうその感覚に慣れてしまったけれど。

April 22, 2011

Smallest frame I've ever had! - 最小フレーム

It looks like a strange creature.

This is the smallest frame (Mtn.) I've had so far. The size is 25cm (9.8 inches). Welding this kind of frame is hard work but it is fun to me. A few welders are unwilling to weld this kind of frames or complicated frames because it is hard to weld and takes time (Sometimes it takes more than twice as much as a road or Mtn. frame.).
I understand the feeling, though. Indeed, welding a road bike or a normal Mtn. is much more comfortable and we can weld faster. But to me, welding more particular kind of frames makes me fun. It might be that I like welding so much.

これは自分が今まで溶接した中で最小のフレームである(Mtn.) そのフレームサイズは25cm(9.8inch)である。 このてのフレームを溶接するのは非常に面白い。中にはこのようなフレームやややこしいフレームの溶接を嫌うウェルダーもいる。なぜなら溶接自体がハードだったり、時間がかかるからである。(時にはロードフレームの倍以上の時間がかかる。)

April 21, 2011

Need self-study? - セルフスタディーが必要?

Most important thing is to think something in your head. But at the same time, we need self-study, too. we have to learn many things if we want to understand something deeply in any field. Self-study can help us a lot, sometimes. Thinking something in reality, in your situation and sometimes studying and thinking again... 
I have fun to self-educate something because I can improve myself. When I was twenties, I didn't think such a thing at all, but now I can think so.


April 20, 2011

32cm bike!? - 32cm バイク!?

This is a 700c touring bike (size: 32cm). I don't know what kind of parts will be assembled, but the dimension is unusual as a 700c bike.
It looks scale out as the design for a 700c bike, but if the customer strongly wants 700c wheel size, we have to accept the order. Super small size frame and big wheel, this combination makes the rider comfortable!? Maybe, or maybe not? Anyway, this bike is quite interesting in a way.

これは700c ツーリングバイクである(サイズ:32cm)。どのようなパーツで組み上げられるのか分からないが、ディメンションが700cバイクとしてはアンユージュアルである。

April 19, 2011

Renewal standard - スタンダードの更新

There are many kinds of "standard". Standards for mesurement, quality, price, and so on.
In production, also there are some standards. For instance, operating time (standard time) for frame making. Products are always becoming altered. It is getting more complicated, sometimes. As the products become complicated, the standard of the product and the operating time also must be improved. If we don't notice the variation and keep useing old standard, it's just harder to achieve the target because there is a gap between actual standard we should have and old one we have had so far.
Sometimes improving standard also means improving process. In order to improve standard, we need to re-measure our baseline performance and the process, analyze "variation" for a new standard, and rebuild a new standard and target based on the analysis. Eventually, we will have to control our new standard with the operating time to sustain our new target.
It may be the time to reconsider our standard, I think.


April 18, 2011

Repaint paint booth - ペイントブースのリペイント

Last Friday, we repainted our spray booth. It was very hard work. Anyway, it was so hard to remove the old paint(?) on the wall ( as you see the pictures above.). But, we have to do this once three months in order to keep the booth in white because we can see each color correctly in a white room. Refresh the spray booth is one of significant work in paint department.
