I would like to compare steel and titanium for small parts, today.
Ti Steel
1. Dropout, 64g 92g
2. Cable stop, 1g 2g
3. Threaded adjuster 2g 4g
4. Triple stop 2g 12g
5. Road brake bridge 12g 22g
6. Canti post 6g 12g
7. Brake Boss 6g 12g
Steel small parts are definitely heavier than those of Ti. For example, if you see steel road and Ti road, the small parts (steel) are 128g and Ti is 83g. Steel road is 45g heavier than Ti. About cross bike, 69g heavier than Ti. This is a big difference. Steel tubing has been developed so far, but the small parts haven't. If I think about the difference of density of the material, it's hard to reduce the weight, but I hope it, or I should design and have it made by someone?
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I would like a price comparison added to your chart, please!