April 24, 2014

KUALIS Anatomy

 Ti road 1.
 Ti road 2(Works RD)

"KUALIS Anatomy". This is one of KUALIS projects in 2014. I will pick up Ryota Nishizono's (Champion system) two KUALIS Ti road bikes and present the detailes through the design and building process based on specific numbers and the drawings.
Today I show Mr. Nishizono's review for his two KUALIS Ti road bikes below.

”KUALIS Anatomy” 今年のプロジェクトの一つである。チャンピオンシステム所属の西薗良太さんの2台のKUALIS チタンロードバイクを取り上げ、その詳細をKUALIS CYCLES のデザインプロセス、製作プロセスを含む具体的な数値と設計図をもとにKUALIS CYCLES の仕事、として紹介する予定。 今日はその企画の重要エレメントの一つである彼のバイクレビューを以下に紹介する。

東京大学運動会自転車部競技班で4年間活動中に、インカレロード、学生個人タイムトライアルで二冠を達成し、卒業後シマノレーシングでプロロード選手としてデビュー。2012年に全日本タイムトライアル優勝。2013年、Champion Sytem Pro Cycling Teamに所属、ジロ・デル・トレンティーノなど欧州のレースに出場、ツアー・オブ・ジャパン日本人最高位、ツアー・オブ・北京出場など。2013年末チーム解散に伴い引退。現在大学で専攻していたデータ解析技術を活かしたエンジニアとして修行中

Ryota Nishizono

As an amateur student rider, I competed for four years with the University of Tokyo Cycle Racing Team. I won both Collegiate Road Race Championship and Time Trial. After graduation, I turned professional with Shimano Racing in 2011. In 2012, I won National Time Trial Championship. In 2013, I rode with Champion System Pro Cycling Team and experienced real Europe racings like Giro del Torrentino and Brabantse Pijl. With dissolution of the team, I retired at the end of 2013 and began career as a data analystic engineer, which I majored at university.

This is the story of two KUALIS Ti road bikes, which I ordered at KUALIS CYCLES.

Ti road bike 1
As an ex-professional road cyclist, I have ridden many cutting-edge carbon frames.  It is surely pleasure for me even now. Riding one of the fastest bikes in the world is great. However, I am not only a bike racer, but a pure cyclist, I thought I would like to have a different quality of time in addition to racing. It is not calculated by power meter, not decorated by training menu, and not measured distance by cycle computer. I would like to go to local up and down courses simply. For that purpose, I imagined an authentic bike. It has quick handling like a knife and traditional wired gear mount. A little bit wider tire capacity makes it perfect.

Plain, simple, and good quality. Those were key words to order a bike for me. Arranging those words in mind, I talked with the builder, Mr. Nishikawa. I chose a steel frame first but he recommended Ti for light climbing. For stable handling, he explained how Chris King Inset 7 (ENVE 1.5 tapered fork) is effective. I told him my detailed bike size and measured several points of my body. That was all my order process.

I received super simple but at the same time elaborate Ti frame. For local riding, it is perfect as I intended. It is not good for sprinting, attacking at 800W, and time trial at 50km/h. I did not expect them. Climbing is very light and downhilling is very sharp. Those are what I expected. You need to design a good trade-off for your purpose to order a handmade frame with a metal bike. Thorough that good trade-off, you can get special things which you cannot get by ready-made carbon frames.

After retiring from pro road racing, I started new life as an engineer. I had need of taste of racing even after retiring. Racing is my precious realm to stimulate everyday life. It tears apart calm life in front of a desk abruptly and physically. It is a good target to keep fitness. Now I do not need to have pressure to win as a job. It is just pleasure.

Ti road bike 2 (Works RD)

I started looking for a new bike for racing. Even for racing, Mr. Nishikawa told me, a good combination of Ti tubing enables order made bikes to be at very high level for racing. The sacrifice compared to high-tech carbon frame is only a little bit of weight. The reward is infinite design freedom. O.K. it is a good deal. I do not need to compete summit finish in Italy or France anymore. I am a bit bored with plastic bikes. I decided to order a real Ti racing bike of KUALIS.

I told Mr. Nishikawa what I think is a real "racing" bike. In my opinion, racing bike does not have any special features. Just you can handle it as you expected. That is all but that is the most difficult. It goes smoothly as you think and no "whip feeling" or "taste of ~" etc. It just works. His recommendation was mix of big pipes of Ti and more aggressive geometry to realize my requirement.

I was still impressed that it has enough stiffness though it was I expected. Every metal frame I have ever ridden has not as good stiffness as this new Ti has. It is not only stiff but I can feel taste of Ti because Ti has no direction of stiffness compared to carbon, which has direction of fiber. You can enjoy every-directionless of metal without lacking of machine functionality with this bike.

The only disadvantage of this bike as a real racing bike is a little of plus weight. Weight is really a kind of religion. After you put all the energy to win, you curse every weight on your body and of your machine. 6.8kg sounds romantic sometimes. Personally, I succeeded to change the religion and get a very sophisticated personal machine.

Ti road bike 1

ライディングそのものを楽しむことを主眼にトリッキーな仕様は極力排除。最初スチールを考えるも、軽快さを重視してチタンを選択。西川氏のアドバイスにより、ハンドリングに安心感をもたらすChris King Inset 7 (ENVE 1.5 tapered fork)を使用。



Ti road bike 2 (Works RD)






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