June 29, 2012

Polished Decal update

!? オッ!?
!!!  これは、もしかして!!

Polished finishing (Ti) was updated. It is getting closer the actual quality for KUALIS Ti frame. One more push!

KUALIS チタンフレーム、ポリッシュド-デカール仕上げのアップデート。より実際のクオリティーに近づいてきた。もう後一歩かな?

June 28, 2012

Two steel today

Two steel frames today, I had. I worked as usual. Repeat, repeat, repeat in silence everyday. That makes me stronger.


June 27, 2012

Ti lugs

622 SLX in welding. Looks mechanical at the lug joints...

Seven 622SLX、ウェルディング中。チタンラグジョイント部。しかしこのラグのデザインは。。。

June 26, 2012

Day off

She is smiling.

I took the first day off last Sunday (since 3/14). I went for a drive to a suburb with my wife and Hanako.
It was a nice day to drive. She (Hanako) also looked happy.


June 25, 2012

Vise setting 1

Set at 90-degree
Clean the vise.
After clean and tightening, check it again.
Sample HB for 44mm (Not polished yet) サンプルヘッドバッジ(磨いてない状態)、44mm用。

Set up the turn table on the milling machine. Make 90-degree on the vise and set up on the machine table.
Clean and tighten it and check it again. Jaw of the vise must be clean every time I set on a mitering fixture...
To keep clean is the same in meaning to accurately work. Next is the height.


June 22, 2012

Cool down in a hot day

I picked ? pieces today. 今日は何本目かな?

We sometimes have ice or soft drink. (Someone provids it.) It has been hot for a few days (90degrees).
Especially in welding department, we have to work in a hard condition... So we need to cool down.


June 21, 2012

Test before start

I put a bolt on the vise temporary and had a test.
Clean cut!

I repeated try and adjust (filing the suquish tool) to get a better squish.

My frame jig and some fixtures are going to be shipped this Friday finally. (My start got delayed about a month.) So I had some test about cutting and squish with some tubes. I can't wait for starting frame building.


June 20, 2012

First batch - 第一陣

I got some frame parts for first batch of KUALIS customers. 44mm HT, BB, small parts... I already had some other parts before and I need more parts for other customers (second batch), but I will start with these first, anyway.

KUALIS カスタマーズ第一陣用のパーツが揃ってきた。チタン44mmHT, BB, 小物などなど。これ以外のパーツは既に手元にある。またこの後からのカスタマー用にさらに必要ではあるが、それは第二陣ということでまずは第一陣から。スタート準備は着々である。

June 19, 2012

Maru-chan T-shirt

This is Maru-chan T-shirt. My wife went to NY last week to check some areas she is going to live in. (She starts to work as an auditor in NY from this Aug.)
I asked her to buy some T-shirts. This is one of them.... She got them at UNIQLO in NY.

妻が先週NY に新しい住まいになるかもしれない場所の下見に行った。(この8月から会計監査人として仕事をスタートする。なんやものものしいけど)それで、ついでというかなんというか、NY のユニクロでT シャツを何枚か買ってきてもらったのだが、これ(写真)がその中の一枚。 