September 16, 2011

My doctor - 主治医

He is my doctor.
"Frog" rings!
left/ tick model
Frog! Frog! Frog!
This frog model is from Spain!

In America, we have a doctor for each patient. I went to see my doctor today. He is a very funny doctor. He loves frogs. There are many frogs around him! I have asked him before why he loves frogs so much. But he just says "Frogs are wonderful, don't you think so?"
When I visit him, he takes his time for me (patient) about 1 hour (for patient interviewing). But most of the time, he talks about himself!! He is so fanny! (But he is a great doctor, of course.) If I ask "How old are you?", he says "How old? I am 100." ... I like him.

実に面白い先生である(もちろんすばらしいドクターでもある)。”先生はおいくつなんですか?”と尋ねると、”いくつ?100歳だよ100歳”とお答えになる。。。 私はそんな彼が好きである。

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