January 31, 2011

Flat style handle bar - フラットタイプのハンドルバー

I have changed the handle bar of this bike several times so far. I have tried to make some original flat bars and change the angle to fit me. I have tried to like a flat bar style (I didn't like flat bars.), but it seems that I still don't like it so much... I am wondering if I change it back to a road bar again after this winter. Otherwise, I should try to seek a new handle bar?


January 29, 2011

A difference of bike business between Japan and US - バイクビジネス、日本とアメリカの違い

In US, there are many bike manufacturers from small ones, middle ones to big ones. In Japan, there are some (about 60?) small manufacturers and a few big ones (nothing middle ones). Furthermore, most of the Japanese small bike companies have KEIRIN (NJS) business and it makes up more than 80% for their business. As for road, mountain, and cyclocross bikes, most of them are from big mfrs. in Europe.

I think there are some reasons for it. First, many Japanese tend to like foreign brands (not only bikes). Second, bike business (manufacturing) is not caught on so much and it might be hard to create customers. Also many Japanese have a tendency to choose something that many people do. But in US, there are lots of choices because many Americans understand about it well and decide something by themselves (not influence by the opinions of others so much). On this point, I like Americans’ attitude.

If in Japan, too, they come to respect individual choice more, many kinds of business (not only bike) will come out. It would be great, I think.



January 28, 2011

Working on cross departments

Today's welding


I mainly work in welding department, but sometimes work in other departments. Working or trying to be interested in other sections is good to understand about frame making deeply because a frame is made through lots of processes. I think I could also say watching and doing are very different.


January 27, 2011

Beautiful painted frame -  ビューティフルペイント フレーム

Beautiful!!! Great!!! (I painted it, though.) Not only the frame, I also like the paint of fork, seat tube, and stem. Lots of letters are a part of paint design. I think even a leter could be an important element of design in order to project many kinds of imagination.

美しい!!! 実に、美しい!!!(自分で言うのもなんだが、私がペイントしました。) フレームだけでなく、フォーク、シートポスト、そしてステムも含めて美しく仕上がっている。たくさんの文字がデザインの一部になっている。たとえ一文字でもそれは、様々なイメージを伝えるためにデザインの重要な要素になりうる。

January 26, 2011

My first long touring - 初めてのロングツーリング

How many years ago? Maybe, it was 8 years ago? I was younger than now! (as might be expected...) These are the pictures Miho (wife) took when we traveled to NANKI with our bikes for a week, which is the west of Japan. It was fun. We do not have the bikes any more, though.

何年前だろうか? 多分8年前?だと思うのだが。今より若い!当たり前だが。この写真は南紀に妻と一緒にツーリングに行った時のものである。楽しかった。もうこのバイクは持っていないが、、、。

January 25, 2011

Welding in summer - 夏のTIG溶接

Welding in summer (It is now in winter though.) is tough work because I sometimes burn my hands. I have had a lot of burns so far. Welding in summer is very hot (especially in my mask), humid, and burns me. Yet I like welding.


January 24, 2011

Appropriate welding - 適正な溶接



 I always try to have appropriate welding. What is that? That is to weld adequately. I have been trying to have the best one (appropriate welding) since I started to practice with scraps. It is certainly hard.
Appropriate welding is to weld with suitable heat, speed, timing (to put wire in) in a clean and good condition. The bead appearance is uniform with sufficient penetration, not too big, not too small, and smooth surface. Key for great welding is "APPROPRIATE". I will always keep in mind the key.


January 23, 2011

Material story 1 - マテリアルの話1

*Tensile strength shows strength of material.
  Elastic modulus shows stiffness of material.
  Fatigue strength shows range of cyclic stress that can be applied to the material without causing fatigue failure.

This is a list which shows a relation about strength, stiffness, fatigue strength, and density for materials that are steel, titanium, and CFRP (carbon). If you look at tensile strength, titanium (3Al-2.5V) is 67% against steel, 6Al-4V is 96% (almost the same as steel), CFRP is 91%. As for strength, steel, titanium, and CFRP are excellent materials as a bike frame. As for fatigue strength, steel and titanium have long life time because of the fatigue property (If we design bikes with these materials under the fatigue limit (50-60% of tensile strength), the bikes are never distressed.) The life time of CFRP frame depends on the life time of bond (epoxy), which is more than 10 years (But this is that if you do not use a frame. By using the frame, the lifetime is about half of it (5years).).

In the meantime, if you look at elastic modulus, for example, 3Al-2.5 and 6Al-4V, they are almost the same. That means there is no difference about the stiffness between them if you make the same frames with the same specifications. (You can make larger diameter, thinner and lighter frame with 6Al-4V than 3Al-2.5V because 6Al-4V has higher tensile strength than 3Al-2.5V, but it will not be a big difference. If you want to have higher strength and stiffness of titanium, it will be necessary to improve the crystal structure of titanium. I will post about this topic later.)

Also, as a property for tubes (any material), if you make the diameter 20% larger, the stiffness becomes 1.7 times of the previous condition. For example, if you have the same diameter and thickness between steel and titanium tubes and if you make the diameter of titanium 20% larger, the stiffness becomes almost the same as steel. Of course, the weight also becomes 20% heavier, but it is still lighter than steel.
Practically, stiffness which bikers require should be various. One of the ways to make frames with different stiffness is to design the relation between the diameter and wall thickness, and to assemble them.

So you might be interested in a comparison about stiffness and weight between steel and titanium tubes? I made a list about the relation between stiffness and weight for these materials through calculating with some information of the materials and thickness personally. I will post it if I have a chance.

上の表は鉄、チタン(3Al-2.5V, 6Al-4V)、CFRP (カーボン)の強度、剛性、疲労強度、密度の関係を示したものである。例えば、強度を示す引張強度(Tensile strength)に注目すると鉄を100%とした場合、3Al-2.5Vチタンが鉄に対して67%の強度、6Al-4Vチタンが96%(鉄とほぼ同等)、CFRP(カーボン)が91% となっている。強度に関して言うならば、鉄、チタン、カーボンともにバイクフレームの素材としてはどれも優れていると言える。寿命については鉄、チタンはその疲労特性(疲労限界値が約50-60%でその数値を超えない範囲で使用する限り疲労しない。)により長寿命である。(カーボンフレームの寿命に関しては、カーボンを接着しているエポキシ樹脂の寿命(10年以上)による。しかし実際フレームの状態になり、使用される(使用度合いによるが)となるとその寿命は約半分程度となる。)

一方剛性を示す縦弾性係数(Elastic modulus)に着目してみると、例えば3AL-2.5Vと6Al-4Vチタンはそれ程の差はないといえる。つまり2台全く同じスペックのフレームを作り乗り比べた場合、その剛性感の差はほとんど無いと言える。(ただし6Al-4Vの方が強度があるため径を大きくしてチューブを薄く、軽くできるが、それも限界があり実際にはそれほどの大差は無いと言える。チタンの強度、剛性を今の基準より上げるためには、チタンの結晶構造を改良する必要があるだろう。これに関してはまた次回。)



January 21, 2011


                                                                    Today's welding

BB30. I do not know about the necessity, but it is becoming a standard BB. Anyway it is lighter, but it is a little harder to weld and keep the alighnment. I might try BB30 for my next bike if it becomes standard more.

BB30. その必要性については何とも言えないが、スタンダードサイズとなりつつある。とにかく、いままでのスタンダードBBよりも軽量に作れる。しかし、アライメントをキープするのが少し難しいため溶接が多少困難である。もしこのままこのBB30が本当にスタンダードとなるなら、次の自分のバイクでトライしようと思う。

January 20, 2011

What a DOWN TUBE! - aero down tube - エアロダウンチューブ

                                                                         Today's welding

What a DOWN TUBE! Welding this kind of bike is so fun! This is a Seven's former model, but I like this style without mentioning bike performance.
I think there are some reasons that people like bikes. Some people like performance, the others like color, style, material, old ones, new ones...
Anyway I think this style may be cool.

何と言うすごいダウンチューブだろうか! この手のバイクを溶接するのは非常におもしろいのだけれど。これはSevenの一昔前のモデルであるのだが、そのバイク性能はさておきこのスタイルは個人的に好きである。 人によってバイクを好きな理由は異なると思う。ある人は性能にこだわり、ある人はカラーや見た目、材質、古いやつ、新しいやつなどなど。とにかく、このスタイルはクールかもしれない。

January 19, 2011

Environment is out of our mind? - 環境は気持ちから

                                                                       Today's welding (steel)

Hard work!!!

Sometimes you should clean and keep everything in order. In Japan, sometimes it is said that you can find something if you see someone’s circumstance. You do not put your feelings in order if your circumstance is not organized. In other words, quality is out of the environment and the environment is out of our mind?

時には清掃、整理整頓をしましょう。あなたの周りの状況を見れば、あなたの心中の状況がわかる! もし、ごちゃごちゃの中で仕事をしていれば、頭の中もごちゃごちゃ!

January 18, 2011

Future of bikes - バイクの未来

                                                                      Today's welding

Today, there are many bike manufacturers in the world. Many of them pump a lot of money into their bike’s development and launch their new models into the world. Their technology is very high and it seems to be achieved. Are they going to keep competition among them, or are they seeking a new material…?
The purpose of all these bike manufacturers is that they would like to have as many customers as possible. Development for new models is indispensable for them in order to create new customers.
However, there are some significant things except for developing the technology. The most important one is to build a safe environment to be able to enjoy our ride. There must be a lot of people who want to ride a bike, but they do not since the traffic situation on roads is too bad. There are certainly some government and some people who work for improvement of such an environment, yet they are not enough. Especially in city areas, it is the present condition for many bikers to ride in dangerous conditions . (In Tokyo, it is terrible. Here in Boston is too, not like in Tokyo though.)
Then, I think I hope that Bike manufacturers (particularly big ones) attempt to work on government and spend some money to improve our bike environment if they would like to have more bikers who can enjoy bikes…

そこで思うのだけれど、バイクメーカー(特に大手メーカー)はこうした運動にも環境改善が現実となるよう資金を投入しもっと積極的に行政に働きかけ動かしていってもらいたいと願うのだけれど(メーカー間の開発競争だけでなく)、あるいはもうかなり動いている? 一人でも多くの人にバイクを楽しんでもらいたいと考えるのならば。

January 15, 2011

Titanium is great! - チタンのすばらしさ

A tube set is cleaned with acetone and ready for tacking.

The tube set was just worked in order to be a frame.
I worked a light weight titanium frame (Axiom SLX) and welded today. This frame is the lightest model in Seven (2.5lbs (1.1kg)). The tubes of the frames are shaved off as they keep the strength.
One of the strong points of titanium tube is to be able to design any frame with any character by selecting any size of the tubes and wallthickness. By designing any type of tube, we can produce any type of frame that you want. So it's possible to manage the relation between stiffness and weight with titanium tubes. We make any frame you want through a custom order system.

今日は Axiom SLX という Seven で最軽量フレームモデルを製作しました。 重量にして約1.1kg、必要強度を保ちながらそのチューブは余計な贅肉をそぎ落とされます(カスタマーの要求に応じて)。 

